(A more detailed version will appear soon. Treat this as the first edition.)
people are becoming increasingly visible in public life and more and
more people are 'coming out'. Some of them realize their
trans-sexuality early in life, while many take their time. This
scenario is not wholly due to the social constructive aspect of the
concept of gender and has to do with limited understanding of
dysphoria and its ramifications among the populace. In this article,
I try to formulate a simple guide for discovering gender incongruence
or dysphoria with exclusive focus on trans women – because it is
difficult to write unified guides across even a couple of binary trans categories.
of all a few words about the terminology. The concept of "gender
incongruence" is sometimes advanced to replace "gender
dysphoria" for removing the stigma associated with the latter
term ("Dysphoria" is the preferred term in DSM-5). It has
also been proposed that the former term should be considered outside
of DSM in the first place. The older term, 'Gender identity disorder'
pathologizes gender variance itself (and is still part of ICD-10 CM),
while 'gender dysphoria' pathologizes the discontent. Importantly the
term "dysphoria" is preferred by WPATH.
So I will stick to this terminology in the article. Feel free to
replace the term with "incongruence" if you like it.
I proceed, it is necessary to clarify basics of sex and gender as
these concepts are not understood in a uniform way.
sex of a person is best seen as a tuple of parameters corresponding
to hormonal sex, brain sex, clinical sex, chromosomal sex, physical
sex and more. Population data relating to this cannot be properly
classified. Gender is a vague social unscientific
concept characterized by arbitrary norms and prescriptions. Modern
people recognize that genders exist on a continuum and do not abide
by religious ideas of binary gender with its rigid prescriptions of
hetero-normativity. Gender identity of a person is the person's own
sense of gender without regard to expression of the same in society.
Recent research does prove that a part of the gender identity of a
person is in the brain and that it develops in the foetal development
state itself – this is almost the same thing as development of a part of "brain sex"
as the latter includes structural and functional differences between
brains. Some people use the term 'gender' in a plural way (see Julia
Serano's latest book for example) - confusions if any should
hopefully be clear from the context. Some basics may be found at this link.
gender is such a plural term and transsexuals evolve in so many
different ways, it is only natural that self-discovery of gender
dysphoria can take on so many forms. You can infer that you have
gender dysphoria by simply reflecting on your gender identity and
comparing it with other people's experience of dysphoria or with
prototypical models of dysphoria. It is possible that your
experiences may not tally with those of others and still you may be
having dysphoria.
is fairly well known that for a given gender identity on the gender-continuum a wide range of gender expression may be associable. Thus
for example, a person identifying as a woman may have so-called butch
features. Some of these women may identify as gender queer women and
some may identify as cis women or simply as women. Even people with
gender dysphoria have diverse gender expression and some part of this
expression can be related to dysphoria – but the centrality of
gender identity stands tall in self-discovery of dysphoria.
dysphoria can be detected even in six year old children, but due to the
under-developed nature of society and social conditioning many people
wait till the problems have become unbearable and have already caused
enough damage. Early intervention is important and it would be best
if people with gender dysphoria take their own decisions as a
therapist's understanding is liable to be affected by the subjective
nature of responses.
have used the limited accounts of dysphoria by prominent trans women,
discussions with various trans women on multiple forums, formal
literature and my own experience as a lesbian trans woman to arrive
at possible characterization of dysphoria as is actually experienced.
Amy Dentata
explains the fact that a part of gender identity is an intrinsic part
of the person. The interaction of gender identity in the brain with
the body towards formation of dysphoria is explained through a
brilliant analogy. She does not identify on the binary and her perception
of her time-line highlights other aspects of her dysphoria.
Importantly she agrees mostly with ZinniaJones's detailed description of her own dysphoric experience .
In contrast to Amy, Rebecca Williams identifies on the binary. Her
description of dysphoria can be garnered from across many articles in
her blog.
I list a number of severe dysphoria related characteristics (not
necessarily without overlap) that a trans woman may have. Various
combinations (or weaker versions) of these are sufficient for a diagnosis of
Body Related:
- S1. Extreme discomfort with most male secondary characteristics.
- S2. Extreme discomfort with most male secondary characteristics to the point of misandry as in "men are degenerate people".
- S3. Strong Aversion to use Pre-HRT genitalia in any sexual activity.
- S4. The distinct feeling of testosterone poisoning.
- S5. Experiences of apparently phantom sensations of female genital stimulation and orgasms as part of regular sexual interaction and fantasies.
- S6. Depression due to inability to eliminate male secondary characteristics.
- S7. Depression due to inability to eliminate testes/genitals.
- S8. Inability to perform sexually due to genital dysphoria by way of suppression of libido.
- S9. Strong suicidal tendencies.
Depression Inclusive:
- A. Depression due to inability to fit in desired female role.
- B. Depression due to missing feminization of existing features.
- C. Depression in general due to latent dysphoria (about which subject is not explicitly aware of).
Social Interaction Related:
- I1. A strong feeling of interacting in a dehumanized society due to forced male presentation that increases by recursion with the living.
- I2. Strong tendency to escape from gendered social interaction.
- I3. No male role models
- I4. Some female role models
- I5. No interest in acquiring perceived male characteristics.
- I6. Strong desire to acquire perceived female characteristics like smooth, beautiful, evenly-toned, hairless skin.
- I7. Strong desire to behave as per desired as opposed to assigned gender role.
- I8. Adopted features selected from male role models do not have any gender related import.
- I9. Adopted features selected from female role models have strong gender related import.
- O1. Awareness of glaring differences in spousal expectations (relative their libido) and desired personal presentation.
- O2. Workaholism originating from desire to escape from oppressive social life and effects of testosterone.
- O3. Substance abuse originating from desire to escape from the oppressive social life and effects of testosterone.
- O4. Gender expression in drag-like modes resulting in depression and feelings of inadequacy.
- O5. Severe numbing of emotions due to perceived long-term latent dysphoria.
- O6. Awareness of severe differences in body chemistry in relation to people of assigned gender.
- O7. Androphobia.
is well known in statistical terms (as well) that the class of
transsexual people suffer additional psychiatric problems at the same
rate as normal people. So we have additional reasons to exclude any
other psychiatric conditions (including mild ones) from the
the above S1 or S2 and S4 and any of the S* conditions is a
sufficient indication of gender dysphoria. Many weak forms of the
above may be sufficient conditions. Zinnia Jones for example,
experienced only a vague and weak version of S1 in her pre-transition
period and came to realize the full extent of what she was missing
out only after some HRT. Some trans women have reported S1 and O7.
weak form S1 and I1 or I2 in people who are past twenty five is often
suggestive of dysphoria that requires more attention – mainly
because it is not such a nice thing to wait till the condition
to I9 are useful for understanding one's own internal evolution of
gender expression and realize dysphoria in presence of suitable
indications from the S* or I* conditions.
any person has O5, then they need to be more careful in their
analysis because everything probably would be lacking in intensity in
their perspective. Depression is pretty common in society and may be
organic without reason. So it is necessary to trace the exact reasons
for it. If can be due to dysphoria and often (if not always)
accompanies it in mild to chronic form.
heterosexual/bisexual trans women who apparently take the "gay/drag
route" (relative a conservative society) to realize themselves.
O4 is typically experienced by such women. Other O* conditions are
not related to sexual orientation. Naturally trans women with S2 are
likely to be lesbians. It is known that a majority (as much as 2/3rd
in the largest survey) of trans women are lesbians or bisexual.
Though trans-sexuality in general is independent of orientation in
the sense that a transsexual may have any kind of orientation,
connections between dysphoria conditions and orientation are natural
– and natural even when we transcend stereotypical expressions of
orientation (because people take time to learn).
of S2, S4, S6, S9, B, I1, I2, I3, I5, I7, I8, I9, O2 and O6 apply to
my experience of dysphoria. A dense account of this can be found in
my earlier blog post.
my high school days,
I have always identified as a lesbian and being a lesbian is not just
about my orientation, but is part of my identity. It did affect
socialization, but
I am not mixing that up with dysphoria related reasons.
I never had any real role models, though I have always admired a lot
of women (mostly older) and usually abstracted positive traits from
them and adapted them in
my own
I* conditions are not about dysphoria per se, but I do feel that they
are important for investigating latent dysphoria in people in their
social context.
this helps you in your gender explorations!
All Rights Reserved, Copyright A. Mani' 2014
Rate my blog at Susan's Place Trans Resources
All Rights Reserved, Copyright A. Mani' 2014
Rate my blog at Susan's Place Trans Resources
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